martedì, giugno 10, 2008

Back to VIM

After more than two hardcore months spent with Emacs...



+ it fits to my way of thinking +

among other awesome things, i really love the repeat input shortcut '.'

Still think emacs it's good ;)

martedì, aprile 29, 2008

Linux Daemon - Python sys.exit versus os._exit

Trying to daemonize a simple xmlrpc server i found some examples... let's give them credit:

W. Richard Stevens and Stephen A. Rago
Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment

Levent Karakas

Devin Watson

Chad J. Schroeder

Some of the examples suggested to use os._exit instead of sys.exit while daemonizing a process.
The difference is quite subtle and it's fully explained in two C man pages, Python implementation of these functions follow exactly what's defined here:

man 2 _exit
man 3 exit

They're not present by default in common desktop distros...
In debian they're in manpages-dev package; think is the same on rpm based distros (not sure).


giovedì, aprile 17, 2008

History meme

eolo999@ggubu:~$ history | awk '{a[$2]++}END{for(i in a){print a[i] " " i}}' | sort -rn | head

112 py -> python
48 sudo
36 cd
34 ls
32 cache -> apt-cache search
24 inst -> apt-get install
20 em -> emacs -nw
17 mutt
14 fg
13 -> fetchmail

mercoledì, aprile 02, 2008

Provo emacs per un po'

Ho sempre preferito vim ad emacs pero'...
mentre mi divertivo a studiare lisp/scheme sono stato costretto a confrontarmi con emacs...

non mi e' dispiaciuto per niente e ho deciso di provare ad usarlo per un po' come editor predefinito.
Ho fatto queste modifiche:

file: .bashrc

1. ho aggiunto un alias -> alias em='emacs - nw'
2. editor di default per le applicazioni da terminale -> export EDITOR="emacs -nw"
p.s. "-nw" serve per non avviare la versione X di emacs

domenica, gennaio 27, 2008

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Launchpad mini projects

I set up two launchpad mini projects:

1. Chrono Applet
2. Zanstaen XmlRpc server/client and tools